Dental Inlays & Onlays Treatment in Las Vegas

Dental Inlays and Outlays

Individuals seeking restorative and effective dental procedures may be interested in dental inlays and outlays. Inlays and outlays are types of veneers, a supportive device and technique frequently used to help fortify teeth while improving your smile. Both inlay and outlay treatments utilize the existing tooth to optimize overall oral health. This dentistry method is popular because it does not require a person having to endure tooth extraction and sacrifice a tooth for healthier oral hygiene. It is a much less invasive and painful alternative than past methods to correct and restore teeth. The appearance of brighter smiles and healthier teeth are often the beneficial result when choosing to have an inlay or outlay procedure.

Benefits of Dental Inlays and Onlays

While a dental inlay or outlay share a bottom line goals of oral health improvement, the actual procedures have some variances. In many ways, an inlay is a sort of filling, utilizing the core of the tooth and providing strengthening from within. Inlays are popular options for a chipped or cracked tooth. An inlay may also work well for a tooth that has sustained cavities. An outlay tends to encompass more surface area and volume of the tooth, creating a fortifying structure all the way toward the bite line of the tooth. An outlay is ideal for teeth with greater erosion, such as large cavities and missing pieces. Your Hi Tech Dental Care cosmetic dentist will use the healthiest part of the existing tooth to create artificial fillers that replicate the teeth’s natural appearance. Our Hi Tech Dental Care dentist can help ensure that inlays and outlays are undetectable. Unless the patient chooses to share that they’ve had the procedure, most of the world would never know that a tooth has an inlay or outlay bonded to it.

The dentists at Hi Tech Dental Care are very familiar with inlay and outlay procedures as a viable alternative in corrective dentistry. We are qualified to provide this type of dental service. At Hi Tech Dental Care, we are committed to giving those in the Las Vegas valley the best and healthiest smiles possible. Hi Tech Dental Care uses the latest technology to ensure our patients have access to the best cosmetic dentistry has to offer. Anyone looking for a dentist in Las Vegas that specializes in inlay/outlay as well as supporting excellent oral health should contact Hi Tech Dental Care today!